Ignome Oak Grove Burn
This prescribed burn within oak savannah will reduce fuel loading, making the community more resilient during wildfires, and improve the health of our land and fire-adapted plants. This is a permitted burn, DO NOT CALL 911
MIDDLETOWN, Calif. - Middletown Rancheria in collaboration with Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance (TERA) plan to conduct a 7.8 acre cultural burn on private property owned by Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians to reduce fuel loading, support capacity building and training around beneficial burning, improve oak savannah health, help native plants thrive, and enhance wildlife habitat.
The burn will be implemented over the course of a single day and be led by a partnership of Middletown Rancheria, TERA, Torchbearr, with support from CAL FIRE and other fire crews from around Northern California.
**Smoke & Traffic Advisory**
The prescribed burn may begin as early as 8 a.m. on, with firing operations concluding by mid-day. You may see or smell smoke in the air until the end of the day. The property is located directly across Highway 29 from Twin Pine Casino & Resort.
Prescribed burns are coordinated with the Lake County Air Quality Management District and are evaluated hourly on the day of the burn, utilizing a Go/No Go checklist that is based on weather, resource availability and incident activity. If burning conditions become unfavorable for a safe, controlled burn, operations will be immediately stopped.
If you have any questions, please contact
Jesus Campanero
(707) 530-6926