Cobb Area Burns
Prescribed burns planned for the Cobb area October 31 - November 2, 2023
This prescribed burn within oak woodland will reduce fuel loading, making the community more resilient during wildfires, and improve the health of our land and fire-adapted plants. These are permitted burns, DO NOT CALL 911
COBB, Calif. - A collaborative of fire professionals will be working together to conduct multiple cultural burns in the Cobb area over the course of 2-3 days. These burns are taking place as part of the Lake County Cal-TREX, a prescribed and cultural fire training exchange led by the Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance (TERA) in partnership with agencies, tribes, and community organizations including CAL FIRE, the US Forest Service, and the Watershed Research and Training Center. The goals of the burns are to reduce fuel loading, support capacity building and training around beneficial burning, improve the health of oak woodlands and grasslands, help native plants thrive, and enhance wildlife habitat.
**Smoke & Traffic Advisory**
These fully permitted burns will be conducted over 2-3 days depending on weather conditions and be led by a coalition of TERA and other Lake County Cal-TREX partners. Ignitions may begin as early as 8 a.m. each day with firing operations concluding by late afternoon. There is potential for some residual smoke overnight and into the following days. Please DO NOT CALL 911.
If you have any questions or are interested in safely observing one of these burns in action, please contact
Jesus Campanero
(707) 530-6926